Be’ezrat Hashem this summer, the boys are absolutely revved up for another year of summer ball. For the 3rd and 4th grade, we have the “CLS” (Candy League softball), featuring teams such as Skittles, Airheads, Jolly Ranchers, Jawbreakers, Fireballs, and Pop Rocks. For the 5th and 6th grade we have the Soda pop league , with team names including Coke, Pepsi, 7up, Dr. Pepper, Root Beer, Grape Juice, Snapple, and Gatorade. We are so excited for the kids to play and be a part of it. We will be working with all the kids to develop the necassary skills, and also have a great time, making it the best summer they ever had BH.
This week were fortunate enough to kick off the sixth grade only league, with Chipotle taking down Waffle Chicken 8-3 in softball, with Hennery Shacalo, Ezra Gundi, Victor Hara, Solly Nasiri, Abraham Shamah, and Tenesee walloping Mikes 14-1, led by game MVP Jack Shrem, who went 3 for 4, with 4RBis in the opening day win. “It feel amazing”, said Jack postgame, “You couldn’t have asked for a better start to the season than that. I’m confident in our team this season. We have a shot to go all the way.” “JACK’D” up after his win, Shrem spoke about the importance of having confidence in yourself, and showed “When your confident, you believe you can do anything.”
In the 3rd-4th grade league, team Pop Rox “Popped off” on opening day, stomping past the Fireballs 17-4, while Jawbreakers steamrolled past Jolly Ranchers 7-1, and Skittles topped Air Heads 6-5.
BH by this time next week, our seasons will be in full swing! Shabbat shalom everyone, and we’re looking forward to an awesome Summer!
-Marvin Azrak, and Alan Franco