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Writer's pictureMarvin Azrak


Dear David Wright

look I will say this, I am a Yankees fan, but I know enough about you , to know that you are a huge role model in the city of New York , and beyond .

So on behalf of the Yankees, I tip my cap to you , wholeheartedly.

Your determination, work etchik, passion, leadership, showed a true captain.

Although , you were great against the Yankees, in your career, you are one of those Yankee killers , that I just say, “ Wow this guy isn’t just great , he is a legend “!

Which is one of the reasons why I felt awful when you kept getting injured, but I think it just brought out that “It “ factor in you , which everyone respected.

When I saw your press conferences couple of weeks ago, I almost cried , I really tried to hold it together.

Just to see it end like this , it’s a shame , I kept waiting for the day , for you to comeback, and lead the Mets , but it never happened.

I really wish you luck in the future, and I hope that you continue to stay around the game of baseball , because the game needs you going forward !

They need your passion , they need your determination, they need your leadership.

Above all else, I wish you and your family health , and happiness, enjoy your retirement, and good luck in your last game tomorrow, you deserve that ceremony!!!!

Let David Wright day commence!!!

Love Marvin Azrak

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