On this day in sports...
1950: Yankees rally from a 6th inning 9-0 deficit to defeat Red Sox 15-10.
1966: Bill Russel becomes first African American player in NBA.
1977: Eddie Murray goes deep for the first time in his career in a 4-3 O’s win over the Indians.
1995: Joe Montana retires
1998: Peyton Manning drafted by Colts
1999: Wayne Gretzky retires
2016: Novak Djokovic wins Sportsman of the year
1900: The Phillies defeat the Braves 19-17 in 10 innings to open the season
1947: NHL legend Maurice Richard wins MVP
1974: AL Bumbry hits inside- the -park 3runHR.
1996: Rangers bash O’s 26-7 including a 16 run 8th inning.
PS: Congratulations to all of people who celebrated the anniversary’s of their respective Boston Marothon victory’s this week.
