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Writer's pictureMarvin Azrak


After processing the news over the last 24 hours, we at The Marvzone fully support the decisions of the MLB, NBA, NHL, NFL, MLS NCAA, ATP, And XFL to suspend/cancel seasons/tournaments due to the CoronaVirus pedemic. We went into discussions about what will be happening to our Twitter feed, website, WhatsApp chat and WhatsApp status while the Sports World is essentially on lockdown for at least a month.

After much thought, we have decided to indeed keep our chat open for at least the weekend before reassessing the situation. This wasn’t an easy decision as we ranged on suspensions of the chat from 10 minutes (Which feels longer on the chat) to maybe 1-2 weeks. While our status will continuously remain open, we hope to also bring you more content on our website and twitter feed to pass the time of this lockdown. Ideas have already started on how to keep people engaged. We encourage everyone to stay safe and do what you can to prevent the virus and take precautions; by constantly washing your hands, avoiding physical contact with others, staying home if your sick, and not touching eyes, ears, or nose with unwashed hands. Use hand sanitizer if you have too as well. Thank you and we will see you after the weekend. Enjoy!!

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